Social Worker

Children experiencing foster care or housing instability have the right to educational stability. Please contact Shannon Keating at PCS Central to discuss educational stability options for your family.

Shannon Keating, Social Worker
PCS Central
412-709-5160 x213

Hello! My name is Shannon Keating, and this is my first year at PCS. I’ve been a licensed school social worker for 7 years and have experience in a variety of school settings. I am passionate about building school-family-community relationships, fostering student and family engagement, student and teacher mental health, social justice, and social change. When I’m not working, I enjoy traveling, reading, spending time outdoors, making music, and playing with my 4 cats. Thank you for welcoming me to Provident Charter School. I am so excited to work with the wonderful students, families, and staff at PCS!

Social Worker

A school social worker can:

      • Help to address barriers to attendance and school success
      • Provide direct support to students in 1:1 and group settings
      • Regularly check in with students and families
      • Assist families in obtaining resources and accessing referrals
      • And more!

Homeless/Social Work Links

App for youth and families experiencing housing instability to find local resources:

Free therapy services for youth experiencing homelessness:

Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness:

Educational Stability for Children and Youth in Foster Care:

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